Saturday, July 25, 2009

Fried Salmon with '点鸡肉' sauce

Fried salmon

Sauce consists of only 3 ingredients: onion, garlic, ginger

Salmon with the sauce

'Home alone' for two days since Thursday. Decided to make a simple dinner myself. Just a piece of salmon, added with the sauce.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


More Michael Crichton!!!


还记得在不久前,刚写了一则有关Michael Crichton (是啊,不是那个会唱会跳的Michael) 的死讯。是去年的事了。今天早上随便在买书网站逛了一下,竟然发现了两本Crichton的新书。 年低开始推出的 , 还有明年2010年还没有被命名的一本。



Friday, July 17, 2009

Shadows of the Empire (X-Files and Harper's Island)

Yet another Star Wars novel. Story happens in between that of Episode V and Episode VI. Suddenly feel like to rewatch all star wars movies again XD. 又开始发star-wars疯了。

Bought the Collection of Episode 4,5,6 last year. Quite expensive, but very worth it. Gonna get the Episode 1,2,3 collection soon if got chance (that chance will only happen if I'm in Singapore i think, hope it won't be very far away XD).

Also like to buy a few others DVD included the remaining X-Files season (season 7,8 and 9) that I have yet to watched, and another old drama series called The Lone Gunmen (I doubt I can find this one anyway).

I started to watch X-Files from the very beginning Season 1 Episode 1 since last year I think, and I'm half way through season 6 now. Just wanna say this is a really good show that worth to watch it at least once for everyone. Got a series of books sold in bookstore, title is what "1001 movies you must watch before you die". I think if got another book called "1001 dramas you must watch before you die", I think I will vote X-Files number 1 XD.

The main plot of X-Files is rather heavy and dark, revolving around colonization of alien on Earth. But this show is I think one of the funniest show I have watched. It's not comedy, those kind of show purposely make the audience laugh. But the content of X-files, their dialogues, somewhat funny enough to make you laugh. And many of the episodes, have profound meaning behind the stories one. That's why I like it i think.

9 seasons and 2 movies of X-Files so far. and I heard 3rd movie might be coming soon. I hope it's true.


There is another show that I must mention, the one that I recently just finished watching. Harper's Island. This show reminds me alot of 金田一. It's about the serial murder happens on the island. This is a very violent show I think. The scene is disgusting is one thing, but I think the more disgusting part of this show is its plot. Have quite 'some' plots in this show, which I think is 儿童不宜. How can the killer be still calm and smile when he kills, how can her husband cheats on her, with her mother.
Almost everyone in the show, got a pretty good character development. Everyone has their story, and has given enough attention I think. Like Lost. Guess that's why I like it ha.
This show is short, 13 episodes in total. Heard there is Harper's Island 2. Wonder how the story can be continued. I thought it was a pretty well done ending in Episode 13.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cactus family

4 more new cactus were added into the cactus family.

Monday, July 6, 2009


This afternoon, I was just happen to have a 30 minute waiting time (for the swimming pool to open at 2pm), and was just happen to walk pass the Season cake cafe, then decided to go in, and then just happen to listen to several good songs played in the cafe. A series of Michael Jackson song combined together into one long one. I remember I heard Billie Jeans, Thriller, Beat It and quite a few more. A pretty nice arrangement.

So it has been more than 1 week. That day, I was in Cairns, on the car to the Bungy Jump tower. Didn't really pay attention to the radio, until I heard the 'magical word' - Michael Jackson. Few seconds later then I realize it was actually his death news.


and so the radio started to play Thriller. The 2nd MJJ song in my ipod playlist, right after Billie Jeans. Also my favourite MV of his. It's classic. And so I told them: see, we gonna listen to this song for many many times in very near future, want it or not.

And so we reach the bungy site, and right after we step into the premise, we heard Thriller again.
And at night, we walked around shop in Cairns, and it was Thriller again.

It happens everytime when a singer pass away. Everyone seems to listen to his songs again. Even my brother who never listen to MJJ songs, just asked me yesterday do I have any of his CD or video that I can borrow him (well, I have all of them XD). We can always hear about MJJ news on the newspaper once in awhile, but I don't remember any of them being a good one. Anyway, I don't really care about those news, since I like his songs, regardless of his personal life. I have never stop listening to his music for all these time. Well, the only albums (with lyric one) that appear in my ipod are MJJ album and Faye Wong's XD.

I'm glad that he gets the attention like we can notice now for the past week. I don't know about those whatever news like heritage issue, his debt issue bla bla, but I'm just happy that his songs get such attention now ha. Well, it's about time for MJJ to get such attention, a good one.

For me, his death doesn't change anything.
He never die, and never will.
(well, at least as along as I still have his songs in my ipod XD)

Protection for gangs, clubs and nations
Causing grief in human relations
It's a turf war on a global scale
I'd rather hear from both sites of the tales
See, it's not about races
Just places. Faces
Where your blood comes from is where your space is
I've seen the bright get duller
I'm not going to spend my life being a color

~a part of lyric from my favourite song Black or White, whose theme is to promote racial unity. As sang by MJJ in the last line of every verse, If you are thinking about my baby, it doesn't matter if you are black or white~

By the way, I just watch the Black or White MV again, and realize something. If you are familiar with this MV, you will remember the last part of the MV, there are many people from different races, changing from one face to one face. And the second lady appears in that series of face changing, is Tyra Banks XD.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hell Island (Reilly) and Eldest (Paolini)

Hell Island. A short novel by Matthew Reilly. I have read all his novels except for this one, Hell Island. Never thought of able to get a hold on this book because this short novel was only released in Books campaign in Australia, and never get to be published to sell in book store. So I have given up searching for Hell Island for a long time.

But I found it~
In a small book store in Darwin airport, in the transit area. We flew from Cairns to Darwin, and after few hours waiting, flew to Singapore. I was just doing some quick look through the bookshelf, and I notice they have a lot novels of Reilly in store. Make sense. Reilly is Australian author. And then I saw Hell Island. I immediately took the book and bought it XD. Didn't even open the book or read the synopsis of the story. Was 101% it's a good one.

It is not a long novel. Around 100 pages. Short enough that both Andrew and I manage to finish the book before we reached Singapore.

It is a surprisingly good short story. Pretty straightforward plot. Action pack. Trademark of his novel. Action, action and non stop action. The main protagonist is the same guy called Shane Schofield who also appears in 3 other books Ice Station, Area 7 and Scarecrow. It's about their mission to investigate Hell Island where they later discovered some secret research and test done in the island by the government. Some of the old ideas (which appear in his other novels) were reused here. For example, the research of super soldier. And the subjects used in the super soldier research is not human, but something else. Their aim are to create a group of soldiers who are stronger, more resistant, intelligent, and most importantly, they will obey the leader no matter what. Means they did something to the subjects and are able to control them.

Also, of all Reilly books, Hell Island is the only book that remind me of Michael Crichton. Some ideas mentioned in Hell Island were also mentioned in Michael Crichton's novel Congo. Congo is a great book mentioned about animals' right. Crichton's book, compared to Reilly's, have less action (but still very good), and with more in depth storyline (not to say Reilly's don't have storyline, some of his novels have very good plot too, like Temple and Seven Ancient Wonders series).

Ok, I think I almost sounds like I'm trying to promote their novels.

Eldest, the sequel of Eragon. Just finished this novel tonight. A pretty lengthy and details novel, but not to the extent where the reader will find it boring. On the contrary, I think it's the minor details which are interesting. Enjoy very much on the parts where history of various races are introduced. Human, Elves, Dwarfs, Dragons, and the bad guy counterparts Razac, Urgal etc etc. It's also until today then I realize an amazing thing. Christopher Paolini was 21 years old when he wrote Eldest. And he started writing Eragon when he was 15. Simply amazing.