This afternoon, I was just happen to have a 30 minute waiting time (for the swimming pool to open at 2pm), and was just happen to walk pass the Season cake cafe, then decided to go in, and then just happen to listen to several good songs played in the cafe. A series of Michael Jackson song combined together into one long one. I remember I heard Billie Jeans, Thriller, Beat It and quite a few more. A pretty nice arrangement.
So it has been more than 1 week. That day, I was in Cairns, on the car to the Bungy Jump tower. Didn't really pay attention to the radio, until I heard the 'magical word' - Michael Jackson. Few seconds later then I realize it was actually his death news.
and so the radio started to play Thriller. The 2nd MJJ song in my ipod playlist, right after Billie Jeans. Also my favourite MV of his. It's classic. And so I told them: see, we gonna listen to this song for many many times in very near future, want it or not.
And so we reach the bungy site, and right after we step into the premise, we heard Thriller again.
And at night, we walked around shop in Cairns, and it was Thriller again.
It happens everytime when a singer pass away. Everyone seems to listen to his songs again. Even my brother who never listen to MJJ songs, just asked me yesterday do I have any of his CD or video that I can borrow him (well, I have all of them XD). We can always hear about MJJ news on the newspaper once in awhile, but I don't remember any of them being a good one. Anyway, I don't really care about those news, since I like his songs, regardless of his personal life. I have never stop listening to his music for all these time. Well, the only albums (with lyric one) that appear in my ipod are MJJ album and Faye Wong's XD.
I'm glad that he gets the attention like we can notice now for the past week. I don't know about those whatever news like heritage issue, his debt issue bla bla, but I'm just happy that his songs get such attention now ha. Well, it's about time for MJJ to get such attention, a good one.
For me, his death doesn't change anything.
He never die, and never will.
(well, at least as along as I still have his songs in my ipod XD)
Protection for gangs, clubs and nations
Causing grief in human relations
It's a turf war on a global scale
I'd rather hear from both sites of the tales
See, it's not about races
Just places. Faces
Where your blood comes from is where your space is
I've seen the bright get duller
I'm not going to spend my life being a color
~a part of lyric from my favourite song Black or White, whose theme is to promote racial unity. As sang by MJJ in the last line of every verse, If you are thinking about my baby, it doesn't matter if you are black or white~
By the way, I just watch the Black or White MV again, and realize something. If you are familiar with this MV, you will remember the last part of the MV, there are many people from different races, changing from one face to one face. And the second lady appears in that series of face changing, is Tyra Banks XD.